5 Steps to Growing Cut Flowers


I started gardening decades ago. I was sure I knew enough from elementary school lessons about starting seeds in a styrofoam cup for Mother’s Day.

Can you imagine how my first few attempts turned out? Maybe they looked like your first few attempts though mine might have been worse.

My first garden I carved out little spots in the grass and tried to grow a tiny tomato plant. All the sun in the world wasn’t going to help me with the crummy soil I tried to plant in. The plants final demise was my roommate spraying roundup on all the weeds and catching my plants in the process.

I started a beautiful raised bed garden at a different house almost 10 years later. Built beds, laid gravel paths and it looked beautiful. It had mediocre success because I bought topsoil instead of a gardeners growing mix or compost.

My other beginner mistake, finding my sunny spot in winter when the leaves weren’t on the trees. It seemed so sunny. When the plants didn’t grow as well as expected I realized the amount of sun wasn’t enough.

Every year I kept at it. Learning more each year until I was sure I could grow and sell cut flowers. The thrill of selling my first bouquets was amazing. Building a little neighborhood community during the pandemic was the perfect icing on the cake.

Take years off your learning curve! Click the button and grab the download and find out how to get the right start. Learn where to put your garden and take the overwhelm of starting your first garden.


How to Read a Seed Packet


Front Porch Life