Create Your Community

Why is community the foundation for everything else?

Cause you can’t do it alone! You won’t be able to make a better future for your kids by yourself. Yes, they will grow up well adjusted, smart kind people. To get them all the opportunities and to have a better life than you enjoyed you will need a village.

How do I find my people?

Know who you are, what you like, and show up regularly. Your people aren’t hiding. If they are they are hiding in plain site at all the places you already like to go. Ask yourself these questions: What do you like? .Where can I do that and meet other people? Can I do that frequently enough that I will build connection?

Is meeting neighbors really that important?

Yup! How you feel when you wake up and how you feel when you come home are improved when you feel connected to your neighbors. Feeling like your neighbors know you, even just on a surface level, can make you feel more positive as you come and go. Feeling positive and happy impacts every other interaction you have. The ripple effect just keeps going from there.

How do I start conversations with strangers?

Any question they can’t answer with yes or no! Open ended questions are the best way to start a conversation. “How old is your kid?” You are likely to get an answer and a follow up question. Now the conversation has legs. Can’t think of a question you can never go wrong with a compliment followed with a question. “I love your scarf, where did you get it?” or “I love your ring, how long have you been married?”

Why do you say in-person community is the most powerful?

Time & commonalities are the best currency for connection. Building connection online works and can lead to great things. However, In-person communities require people to carve out a specific time to gather and that gesture never goes unnoticed even if it isn’t vocalized. When you add that to the fact that in person communities have more in common than just why they are gathering you get a powerful combination. One that leads to deeper connections faster.

Can you really change the world with community?

Name a cause or anything successful that didn’t involve community? In addition to this making feel part of something, seen, and cared for makes them more likely to return the favor. What could possible make a bigger difference in the world than more happy people making more people happy?

If these FAQ’s don’t answer your question please reach out!

If you are wondering someone else might be as well so you will be helping others by asking!

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Top questions I get about how to build community and why it is important

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