Your Flower Power is…The Sunflower!

You have optimism, energy, and willingness to bring in new people that can't be matched.

What It Means

When it comes to building community, you light up the room and are up for anything. ready to encourage the group to give any idea a shot.

Why It's Important

Your Sunflower Flower Power is especially useful for inspiring others to join and keeping the energy of the community high. You love to talk to all the people, learn about them and figure out how they fit in the group and where they will thrive.

Watch The Weeds

The weed in the garden for you is, that while you're passionate about making space and including everyone, sometimes you might get so excited about an idea you forget to let someone else take the mic. So make sure to share that spotlight now and then!

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” — Audrey Hepburn

Can you imagine how you will feel walking through a garden you helped bring to life, a garden that is full of life because of you?

Are you tired of feeling worried about the world your kids are growing up in, but you don’t know where to start?

The key is to get started.

Like a pinwheel takes a small action from nature, a breeze, to get moving so is the case with you starting a garden.

Small actions build upon each other. Small actions by lots of people turn a breeze into a wind, a storm, a change, a tipping point.

It’s easier than you think and no you don’t have a brown thumb!

To create a garden, you need to plant one seed at a time, celebrate each success, learn from every mistake, and teach one other person to grow it forward. Who do you know who would be an easy place to start?

Don’t know anyone yet? Start taking action in your yard.

Start in your yard. Front or back doesn’t matter. Just start growing flowers and sharing. The connection to the earth and your garden will give you the boost you need to keep going!

Ready to Get Started?

Join The Grow it Forward Garden Club!

Joining The Grow it Forward Club, a supportive online community, will give you extra resources and support to make your efforts even more successful.

The Grow it Forward Club is a supportive Facebook group for people who want to adopt a lifestyle that creates change and models good citizenship through the positive effects of gardening. You will get exclusive content and the ability to ask me and others questions.

See you there!

"Who Am I to Tell You How to Create a Community Garden...

Hi! I'm Anne, founder, and gardener at Pinwheel Cottage.

I am on a mission to plant thousands of gardens that build community and make it possible to share the bounty from the garden.

I have been gardening since I was tiny. While my dad did most of the work to get that pile of tomatoes, and my mom did the work to can them, I grew up in the garden.

Now at 49, I am finishing my Master Gardener certification, work at a flower farm part-time, and once turned my entire front yard into a cut flower garden to help me meet my new neighbors during the pandemic. That covers the gardening chops.

My community building and gathering skills come from a degree in public relations with a focus on event planning as well as 15 years as a manager at Trader Joe’s.