Your Flower Power is…The Dahlia!

You know what you want, and you aren't afraid to stand out and command the room to get it.

What It Means

When it comes to new ideas and taking action, people look up to you for your perseverance and grit. They wonder how you manage to get everything on your schedule done and still have time to make a difference.

Why It's Important

Your Dahlia Flower Power is especially useful at the beginning of taking action or building community. While others may have lots of great ideas. and a willingness to participate they may not have the skills and confidence you have to make the first move.

Watch The Weeds

The weed in the garden for you is, that your confident take charge style may make others reluctant to speak up. Don't be afraid to let others show up to help out and make Together you will make a bigger difference.

"Often out of periods of losing come the greatest strivings toward a new winning streak."— Mr. Rogers

Imagine How Things Could Change If You Felt Hopeful for Your Kid's Future

  • Picturing their high school graduation would start to feel like a new exciting chapter for them instead of a new worry for you.

  • Anxiety lifts about the equality of health care your daughters will have access to will keep them healthy and safe.

  • Trying not to worry about sending them to school and not seeing them return home would be a less common worry.

  • A feeling of belonging to a community would make you feel more secure and less worried about how to navigate tough times.

That sounds fantastic, but how do I start and fit it into my already busy mom life...

The key is to get started.

Like a pinwheel takes a small action from nature, a breeze, to get moving so is the case with you trying to make the future better for your kids.

Small actions build upon each other. Small actions by lots of people turn a breeze into a wind, a storm, a change, a tipping point.

It all begins with in-person community

No matter what that community centers around (neighborhood, city issue, your kid's school, political issue, etc.) it is imperative to start with community. After years of social media, it can feel foreign to join or start trying to create an in-person community. Check out this resource page to learn how to start. creating your own community.

Start taking action on issues in your backyard

There are ways to take action that fits your life. The best way to find these and to see the results is to pick issues that matter to you and will directly impact your community. If that is what you are looking for then this resource about how to get started and find your issue is for you.

Use your hobbies to build connections

Think your love of cooking, baking, gardening, and crafting are just hobbies to pass the time? Those very hobbies hold a huge key to building community.

Remember the knit pink vagina hats that were all the rage at the first Women's March? That is a huge example of the ways a favorite hobby can build connections. That one even brought to the forefront that the women's movement has a history of not being racially inclusive.

Ready to Get Started?

Join The Pinwheelers!

However you choose to start making the future better, joining The Pinwheelers group will give you extra resources and a supportive online community. Resources and support that will make your efforts even more successful.

The Pinwheelers is a free group on Facebook of moms around the country that also want to make a difference for the future great for their kids and yours. You will get exclusive content and the ability to ask me questions.

See you there!

"Who Am I to Tell You How to Make the World Better...

Howdy! I'm Anne, founder, and gardener at Pinwheel Cottage.

I am here to help moms like you shape what the future looks like for your kids, without overwhelm & within your comfort zone.

I know firsthand that imagining the world your kids will grow up in feels frightening and solving it feels impossible. I know because until I started taking some actions myself, raising a toddler felt like a high anxiety tightrope walk without a net.

I have made multiple major relocations, 6 to be exact, that created an opportunity to create or join an in-person community from scratch. Every time I used my interests in the domestic arts, aka housewife hobbies, to jumpstart my connections.

My most recent relocation was month before the pandemic! It was the toughest yet, but 2 years in it is a success. I look forward to sharing ideas with you about how we can make the future better.

Join The Pinwheelers and get started so you can ease your fears and feel hopeful about the future for your kids and grandkids.