Episode 2
Joe Wirtheim
Victory Garden of Tomorrow
In this episode, I talk with Joe Wirtheim, the artist behind Victory Garden of Tomorrow.
I loved this conversation, especially the second half, where we started discussing the optimism and hope we have for the future if we all take simple actions.
We start out talking about what inspired him to create this project in the early 2000s and the changes he has seen over the years.
The first half is where we dive into the history of how we became a nation that is so disconnected from each other and the skills we lost along the way.
Then we get hopeful about how we can all make simple mindset changes and take action to reverse what ails our communities.
Links to Joe's work
Website: https://www.victorygardenoftomorrow.com
Instagram: @victorygardenoftomorrow
Shop the Sticker Garden
Resources talked about:
WPA Posters - https://adht.parsons.edu/historyofdesign/objectives/wpa-posters/
Until we talk again, leave people happier than you found them.
If you want to talk about any topic further, you can find me
on Instagram @pinwheelcottage
by email akfassnacht@pinwheel-cottage.com
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