Kids need to start learning three key things to thrive and it isn’t reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Those will help them succeed, not thrive.

Schools need gardens to teach them skills to help them thrive.

We forgot to teach the kids how to
value themselves,
how to value others,
and how to spot & share beauty.

Start with a
sensory garden

A sensory garden is a low-lift way to start gardening at school.

This download will help you know what to plant.


Creating a garden that provides a place for peace and belonging.

Using the garden to model skills like kindness, connection, and nurturing.

Sharing your garden bounty and new garden knowledge to build self-confidence and community.

Sounds good except..

  • I am way too busy for one more thing.

  • I don’t have a green thumb.

  • No one else would be interested.

  • Don’t have money to start a garden.

Here’s what I know, if you can….

  • teach 25+ kids in a small room and show up the next day ready to go….

  • manage the administration's requests and the increasing emails and messages from concerned parents while not cussing anyone out…

  • coordinate with a handful of teachers to keep your students on track without loosing your collective minds…

You can advocate for a gardening program at your school, that will impact hundreds of students mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Hi Friend!

As a mother and public school employee, I know how we can mentally and emotionally support our kids while adding “soft skills” to their education.

If you want someone in your corner, welcoming and ready to listen, offer advice on advocating for a school garden, or you need an answer to a pressing garden question, I am here.

As one of the caretakers of our school garden and library assistant, I am walking the same path you are. I am happy to share my knowledge if I am a few steps ahead. If you are a few steps ahead of me, I would love to talk to compare notes and make it easier to create more therapeutic school gardens.

As a master gardener, educator, community builder, and a Martha/JoAnna devotee with tattoos, I have a unique style and point of view. I bring that to you through my unconventional and conventional ways of teaching our kids, creating community, and great gardening advice.

Welcome back to school or maybe you never left!

If you are an educator right now you know how different school life is from when you went. Whether you have been out of school for 4 years or 40 it doesn’t look the same.

The world as a whole doesn’t look the same and we need an outside the classroom solution to fix it.

Besides helping you start a school garden, you will find helpful tips on …

Using Garden Metaphors

The garden is ripe with examples that can demonstrate common challenges we face throughout our lives. Don’t worry about coming up with them yourself. I have dug deep to uncover them.

Hosting Meetings & Events

A lifetime of Martha Stewart subscription and studying event planning in college has taught me more than a few things about party and event planning. My focus is on events and meetings that connect people and create results not drama.

Books to enhance learning

My job at school is as the library manager. I am always looking for books that connect learning in the garden or inspire kids to read or get outside.

We go together like Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan if you…

  • believe we should lift people up instead of tearing them down or leaving them behind

  • would rather be outdoors & love gardening or want to learn how to garden

  • want to work on positive ways to affect the world your kids are growing up in

  • weren’t surprised to hear about the loneliness epidemic since you have experienced it firsthand

  • think the best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing it loud for all to hear

  • love Yogi tea for the inspirational quotes as much as you love the calming tea blends

Take a minute to learn how we can work together, or just snoop around and get to know me.