Figuring Out Square Footage & Cubic Yards & Feet
How to figure out your square footage
This is easier than it sounds. Even I who dislikes most math can do this one. It could be more complicated, but for our purposes, all we need you to do is follow the steps below. When you are done select the consultation package that fits your square footage.
First, measure all spaces like they are a rectangle or square. If it is curvy we can address that during the consultation and formal measurements.
Second, multiply length X width repeat for all areas you want us to plan for you.
Third, add together all the numbers you just got and that is the square footage you want to select for your consultation.
space 1 10ft x 10ft = 100 sqft
space 2 5ft x 3ft = 15 sqft
space 3 3ft x 10ft = 30 sqft
Project total = 145 sq
Cubic Yards & Cubic Feet
Cubic Yards is what you need to know to order soil in bulk for delivery
Cubic Feet is what you need to know to figure out how many bags of soil you need
This is my favorite calculator because it gives you both so you can compare the price of bagged and bulk soil.