Use Your Hobbies for Change
How have these hobbies ever made a political difference?
Repeatedly! Sewing circles during the Civil War were common as a way for women to meet under the radar and create a movement. Victory Gardens were common during World War II as a solidarity movement. Don’t forget bake sales, plant sales, and craft markets as fundraisers for movements.
It is even actually something that has made a couple of recent appearances. One less controversial than the other.
First, was the Pink P*$$y hats. That was a statement at the first Women’s March which actually helped bring about a larger conversation that all women aren’t pink, the vagina doesn’t equal woman, and to win the feminist movement must be inclusive of all people that identify as female.
Second, was the large grassroots effort of people sewing fabric masks at the beginning of the pandemic.
Don’t underestimate what a movement around a hobby can do or how it has a way of breaking down barriers. With the internet, these movements have an even better chance of succeeding and spreading quickly.
Which hobbies can you use for change?
Any hobby you have! The above question talked about the hobbies that come to mind first so let’s get into the others. How many times have you donated to a friend doing a walk, run, or ride for fundraising? How about a dance-a-thon or any other a-thon? These are all ideas you can use to create awareness and funds for something you are passionate about.
What hobbies do you use to make a difference?
I personally am a gardener, cook, and baker. I don’t currently use my hobbies for a specific issue. I choose to use them to build my community and show others how to do the same. Playing a longer of creating community, sharing kindness, and living by a love ethic feels like a good side project to the other ways I get involved.
Are political issues the only way to use hobbies for change ?
Absolutely not! Building community is a huge way to make change and build hope. I argue it is actually the best way. We are in a time when personal connections and local communities are so fractured it feels impossible to fix. If we stay feeling like it can’t be fixed it will only get worse. Our way out is a bouquet of flowers, a batch of cookies, or a freezer dinner for our neighbors are easy and beautiful ways to kickstart change.
What is the best way to start or join a community around my hobby?
Just start! You can find a group that exists and show up consistently. You can start a new group on Meetup.com It really doesn’t matter how it just matters that you do. Show up on the regular and participating is the only solution. Need tips or a pep talk to get started join The Pinwheelers and we will be happy to answer even more question on how or give you a pep talk.
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Top questions I get about how to use your hobbies
for community and activism
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