Size matters, bigger isn’t better
“Super size it please.”
It isn’t just McDonalds, every business knows that people like to have more. No one wants to have a feeling that something might be scarce. It is probably why people love buffetts so much. That ability to pile it high, to try it all, and to never have to feel unfulfilled. Aren’t our eyes always bigger than our stomachs?
I always want to avoid that feeling of if only I had one or two more. More than once I have planted gardens that were more than I could manage. More than I needed.
I want to have it all! I want bounty to come from my garden all season. So much I can’t even use it all. Not a bad goal since it will go to friends, animals, and birds, It has however, more than once been my downfall. Gardens swallowed up with weeds beacuse my free time doesn’t match the time my garden requires.
Don’t fall vicitim to this if you are a beginner. Start with a managable garden. It will be bigger than you think and if you grow the flowers I suggest for beginners you will still have more flowers than you can use.
So what size should the garden be?
These few guidlines will help you avoid overwhelm as a new gardener.
No wider than 4 feet. To make sure you can reach all those awesome flowers and yummy vegetables you want to keep the width under 4ft. Two feet if you can’t walk around every side.
Start with 3ft x 8ft or 4ft x 8ft as a good beginner garden. It will give you plenty and you won’t get too overwhelmed.
Nothing puts a damper on learning like overwhelm. To get more tips that will cut the overwhelm and ensure you get the green thumb you want download the whole guide.