why the name pinwheel cottage
Pinwheels have always made me think of joyful, carefree sunny days. These images are why I picked pinwheels to play a significant place in our wedding decor and theme. We were married on a beautiful sunny day in a park. Instead of music and a dance floor, we rented a pinball machine, a ping pong table, and a shuffleboard table. The centerpieces of the picnic tables were mason jars filled with miniature toys and game pieces and topped with a bouquet of handmade pinwheels.
Pinwheels have remained an important symbol in my life. Joy is something I am always striving to find in every moment. I fall short some days, but it is my goal to find joy and to share it as much as possible.
When I started thinking of growing and selling flowers I wanted a name that carried joy and pinwheels quickly came to mind. I initially thought it would be Pinwheel Flower Farm. Then life threw us a curveball and we moved from Indiana to Michigan and the smallest piece of property I have ever lived on. A space I certainly wouldn’t call a farm. Also, not a space I saw as anything more than my own cutting garden.
When my husband said, “you should just turn the whole front yard into flowers like you have wanted to do.” in April of 2021 by the end of May, the new beds were created and planted.
So I started the dreaming and planning back up and immediately wondered about a name. Flower farm didn’t seem right for this spot. So what should it be?
Pinwheel was always in consideration because of the joy it gives me. Made that part easy, but what do you add to the end? I landed on cottage with some help from friends and family. Cottage is both a quaint name for a smaller farm and a play on the term cottage industry, which is essentially a business run out of home selling different goods.
As I have worked on the mission, vision, and business plan cottage is really the perfect addition to the name, and the pinwheel became even more symbolic.
Leave people more joyful than you found them. My vision is to create a business that helps others create their own joy and leaves the people in their lives more joyful. A pinwheel isn’t as joyful in its static state. It brings more joy when a breeze or a soft blow from a person puts it into motion.
So here we are Pinwheel Cottage. A company that intends to do everything it can to encourage people to breathe joy into the world. With the hope that those small actions of joy multiple and carry through the world like a butterfly effect. Join us and help make a change in your orbit that just might make a change in someone else’s.