Random acts of kindness won’t cut it

There is a cacophony of voices saying the country is more divided than ever.

That we are lacking all the “soft words”, compassion, empathy, neighborliness, love, kindness, etc.

Facebook posts saying you need to be kind. You need to love your neighbor.

It seems what people aren’t being told is what to do to fix it. Something easy. Maybe something that could be squeezed between dinner and bedtime. 

To help heal this divide it is going to take Intentional Kindness. A whole lot of Intentional Kindness from a whole lot of people. The kind of kindness that you plan and follow through with to show someone else that kindness still exists. However, these intentional acts don’t have to be is hard. They don’t have to move mountains. You can make it easy and it can easily fit into your already packed schedule.

The mailman, your neighbor, the cashier at Trader Joe’s that just got it handed to them from an angry customer. I am certain that you can think of plenty of people that you see regularly that could stand to be acknowledged for what they do for you. Maybe just because you know you would want someone to do it to you if you were in the same situation.

If you want to help your community mend the divisive culture we all have found ourselves in you are going to have to get intentional. Even an intentional small gesture beats a random act. If your goal is to really make someone feel loved, even a relative stranger you are going to need to abandon random acts and put your love into intentional kindness. 

3 intentional acts that can make a difference

  • Bring a small gift to the people that serve you daily - and please not on a holiday!

  • Offer encouragement to someone that needs it

  • Go out of your way to help a neighbor

Would a few examples help you get the juices flowing in your life?

1. Your Favorite Baraista

You go to the same coffee shop every day for your fancy latte. You go so often that the barista knows you by name, knows what you order, smiles and waves when you come in, and sometimes comments on that amazing scarf you are wearing.

You can return this kindness in an easy and intentional way. Make a small gesture in return. Give them a small bouquet of flowers, take notice of their style, and be sure to pass along a compliment just as they did. You could even go above and beyond and tell their supervisor.

2. Your elderly neighbor

You have an elderly neighbor that has trouble getting out of the house, and now that winter has come they can’t sit on their front porch and engage with the neighbors. You also know it is hard for them to get out to the curb to grab their newspaper on the icy mornings so you make it a purpose and a habit to pick it up at the curb and drop it at the front door for them. Even if you can’t chat they know it is you that does it and it warms their heart and makes them feel connected and seen.

3. Your single neighbor

How about the single mom next door that always looks a little harried trying to wrangle a couple of kids under the age of 5. You can tell she is a good mom, just one with a lot on her plate. You have talked to her and she has commented on how much she loves your flowers in the yard. So every time you cut some for yourself you gift her a mason jar bouquet with a simple note that says “you got this!”

Imagine how these intentional acts of kindness will make that person feel. Imagine what could change in their day because you did that. How would doing these things make you feel? I will warn you, once you get started giving Intentional Kindness it will be hard to stop. Side effects might also include Intentional Kindness being directed at you. Consider yourself warned.


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